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To be loved by you, was the most amazing part of my life. When you came along, I got to experience what could of possibly been True Love. We aren't together anymore, but there isn't a day, time, hour, min or sec that goes by that I do not miss you or being with you. I never got to really show you how much you meant to me. You meant everything to me, I was falling for you so hard, and I loved you so. December, we met each other, fell for each other, and then Christmas break came along. We had to separate for 3 weeks, I think when you headed home to New York, is when it hit me that you were not with me, you were far far away, and even though I was with friends the night you left, there was nothing that I wanted more, than to have you by my side. I still remember that exact look on your face, when we said our good-byes, you didn't want to go, I didn't want you to go. I do believe I was falling for you, the minute you left. During Christmas break, we talked a lot,everyday. And I knew then- that I was in love with you. We got to know each other more, we told each other our dreams and desires. We basically had the same dreams. We talked about future plans for us, and I couldn't of been more happier, spending those days with you. After Christmas break, things took a turn, and you didn't want to be with me anymore, you said that things changed. I still do not know why things turned out the way that they did, but there isn't a day that I wish and pray,that you would change your mind. I wanted to be with you so badly, you had no idea how much it broke me, that you didn't want to be with me. Now you are with Kelli, just a couple months after, I had to see you hang with this new girl, doing the same things we use to do,when we were together. That killed me each day,that I saw you with her. None of this has been easy for me, till this day- it has not been easy. Memories keep swimming back in to my mind,when we were together, and I could never forget those day that we shared. I miss you till this day, and I will always love you, even if you do not love me in return. I know how much I meant to you, believe me- I do. Wish you knew how much you have meant to me, you still do,and it has been over a year,and you still mean exactly everything to me, nothing has changed the way I felt for you 11 months ago. Nothing. Each day, I try to pull my self together, each day I face you not being with me. Each day, I grow and try to move on, but nothing seems to be doing that, you always seem to come back to me. None of my friends seem to really understand what I am going through, I don't think you even know. It is hard to be just friends with you, I try to just hold it together, when ever we talk, or when ever I am around you, but it is never easy. My friend and I were talking the other day about this ever topic, she was saying that it is already to still have feeling for you, which I do. It is never easy to just pull and forget someone that truely meant everything.


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