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Showing posts from 2012

Dear You,

Wish you could see how much you still mean to me. I miss you everyday since we broke up. It's been months since we were together, but there isn't a day that goes by that I don't miss you. We were so perfect for each other! I wanted to be with you so badly, and I never got to show you how important you meant to me. If you thought I didn't want you, you are wrong- I wanted to be with you more then anything in this crazy messed up world. You were the best thing that had every happened to me. When you were with me, it was like the world had meaning, you had my heart. I loved ever little bit of time we spent together, the times we talked about everything & anything! Each moment,was better then the next,a new memory made. You were my favorite hello & hardest good-bye. When we talk about Us, I feel that's when you turn away the most,like it still bothers you,when ever I bring up the topic. You hold back your fears,cause I think you are scared to really be open to w


To be loved by you, was the most amazing part of my life. When you came along, I got to experience what could of possibly been True Love. We aren't together anymore, but there isn't a day, time, hour, min or sec that goes by that I do not miss you or being with you. I never got to really show you how much you meant to me. You meant everything to me, I was falling for you so hard, and I loved you so. December, we met each other, fell for each other, and then Christmas break came along. We had to separate for 3 weeks, I think when you headed home to New York, is when it hit me that you were not with me, you were far far away, and even though I was with friends the night you left, there was nothing that I wanted more, than to have you by my side. I still remember that exact look on your face, when we said our good-byes, you didn't want to go, I didn't want you to go. I do believe I was falling for you, the minute you left. During Christmas break, we talked a lot,everyday.

Coming to an end (2012)

This year has has had it's ups and downs. Been pulled in ton of directions. Started off the new year,with meeting a great person, changed my life. I fell for him hard,then was broken. Now back to where I started-alone. Went to Spring Arbor for my freshmen year,it was a great chapter in my life, but now that dream has set sail,and now decided to set a different sail- started my Photography business a tad bit early then expected. I haven't decided if this is plan God has set for me,for right now, or waiting for something different to come along. It has been a hard few months for me, with all these new changes. My sister Katie is still attended Spring Arbor, and she is doing what God has set for her. Even with all these new changes, I am trying to see the good, the blessings that have come along with in these last few months. I got to meet a ton of new people while I was attended Spring Arbor, thank goodness for Facebook or I wouldn't be able to stay in contact with half of th